Clicky Church orchestra | Jeff Cranfill Music

Tag: Church orchestra

Costly. Worth it! – Musicians Institute

Costly.  Worth it! ”No,” replied the king, “I insist on paying a price, for I will not offer to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” 2 Samuel 24:24 As God leads people into music ministry – leaders and laity alike – we soon learn that skillful music ministry (Psalm 33:3) requires […]

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The Key to Successful Music Ministry – Musicians Institute

The Key to Successful Music Ministry While ministry is a reality which cannot be seen in and of itself – many evaluate the effectiveness of church music ministry by what can be observed with our senses: What we see – especially the numbers – bigger looks better. What we hear – studio quality sound is […]

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Instrumental Groups – Growing Them, Involving Them in Worship – Musicians Institute

Instrumental Groups – Growing Them, Involving Them in Worship Prayer is the key to motivation, attendance, personnel, finance, growth, etc. needs. Eph. 3:20, 21 – “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”. Prayer gives us God’s power, presence, provision, and perspective. Psalm 33:3 – Skillful playing is biblical! Called servant or […]

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Places to Go, People to See – Or How to Get Your People to Come to Rehearsal – Musicians Institute

Places to Go, People to See Or How to Get Your People to Come to Rehearsal – MUSICIANS INSTITUTE The case (As if you didn’t already know) Think back over the last week, then the last month. How crowded was your day, your week? How busy were you? The members of our groups – our […]

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Warm Ups For Your Instrumental Group – Part 2 – How? – Musicians Institute

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Orchestras In Church Ministry Today – Musicians Institute

ORCHESTRAS IN CHURCH MINISTRY TODAY From time to time I get involved in conversations about orchestras playing in worship services. Musical instruments are included as part of the worship services in many churches in many parts of the world, as they have been for decades. There are some people in these conversations who question if […]

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Experience can be bad and good… – Musicians Institute

Experience can be bad and good… In churches today, what a person experiences is being equated with scripture.  The emotions we feel are very real, and can make our experiences seem more “real” than truth we know and read from God’s Holy word.  A person doesn’t need to have an emotional buzz to worship.  Emotion […]

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Sunday worship in orchestra – Musicians Institute

Sunday worship in orchestra Getting one’s heart ready for worship is a focus of mine on Saturdays. Whatever else I do, I am thinking and looking and praying ahead about services tomorrow.  I set me heart to give to God the worship He deserves.  I also try to make sure I get to bed at […]

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Playing Difficult Orchestrations – Musicians Institute

Playing Difficult Orchestrations One of the greatest challenges facing church instrumental groups today is learning and playing difficult or poorly written music. In particular, accompaniments to some choir pieces may be beyond the abilty of some of our players. Some charts are written for professional players to record, not for volunteers players to play in […]

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Effective and Efficient Instrumental Rehearsals Part 1 – Musicians Institute

EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT INSTRUMENTAL REHEARSALS. Part 1 – Preparation Skillful Playing is Biblical! Sing to Him a new song Play skillfully with a shout of joy. Psalm 33:3 Clearly, we all have our limitations as musicians. We also know that our God deserves better than the best we could ever present to Him. As we […]

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