Clicky worship | Jeff Cranfill Music

Tag: worship

Places to Go, People to See – Or How to Get Your People to Come to Rehearsal – Musicians Institute

Places to Go, People to See Or How to Get Your People to Come to Rehearsal – MUSICIANS INSTITUTE The case (As if you didn’t already know) Think back over the last week, then the last month. How crowded was your day, your week? How busy were you? The members of our groups – our […]

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Ideas on Worship for Instrumentalists – Musicians Institute

Ideas on Worship for Instrumentalists Of all we do as instrumentalists, our highest calling is to give to God the worship He is due. As we play, there are many aspects of performance that command our attention. If we are not careful, worship can be crowded out of our heart. We can be so focused […]

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Foundations of Ministry in Orchestra – Musicians Institute

Foundations of Ministry in Orchestra Tens of thousands of people in the United States play their instruments in ministry. When posed the question, there would certainly be a great variety of reasons or motivations for why they play. We need to know God’s will as given in His perfect word, and then we need to […]

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