Clicky Blessings and Benefits of Ministry in Orchestra – Musicians Institute | Jeff Cranfill Music

Blessings and Benefits of Ministry in Orchestra – Musicians Institute

Blessings and Benefits of Ministry in Orchestra

Some time ago I did some brainstorming on the subject of motivating orchestra players. These points came to mind fairly quickly, and are great reminders why it is wonderful to play in a church orchestra ministry. We all need a clear perspective from time to time. Read them and be encouraged!

Using our instruments to glorify God We are to do everything to the glory of God.
Obeying God – Both His instructions in scripture and His call for you to play
Using your musical gifts and skills in ministry
Playing in orchestra is fun!
Being part of a group synergy – when we play, the whole is more beautiful and more powerful than the sum of the parts.
Working as a team
Being with and ministering with great people – with whom you have in common being in the family of God, lovers of music, and more
Making new friends
Being centrally involved in our worship services
Helping to lead our church family in worship
Playing some wonderful music
Keeping your mind and heart young- playing an instrument works both sides of the brain simultaneously
Doing something that matters – for eternity
Artistic expression is one of the greatest aspects of being human.
Doing something you can do and have done all your life – music is ageless
Setting and reaching goals – along with special programs or concerts, Sundays come every seven days.
Meeting high standards every week. Psalm 33:3b …play skillfully with shouts of joy!
While we play, we can focus on what we are doing for that while – it is a diversion from the rest of life
Proclaiming who Jesus is and what He has done, and what He is going to do to many people each week.
Earning rewards in Heaven. When we obey God in the power of the Holy Spirit, he will reward that in Heaven.
Doing what many people would give anything to be part of – in a great church.
Hearing great bible messages each week
Being called by God to do something we love to do
Having the almighty God as our audience
A great way to express your praise, love, and gratitude to God with your instrument
You have lots of people in the group to pray for you, and you can pray for them.
Learning greater skill and understanding in music
Part of building a strong orchestra ministry at your church for years to come
Improving your higher level thinking skills – playing an instrument in an ensemble requires a complex set of skills.
Using both sides of your brain at the same time – we think differently!
Adding some consistency and stability to your life in a changing and turbulent world
Adding flavor to life – imagine life without music
You might just meet your spouse – if you haven’t already
Keeping the rocks silent – Luke 19:40
Getting a head start on Heaven! – We will praise Him forever, and we get to start here.

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